Saturday, December 10, 2011

Small Town Christmas' is the BEST

It's been a while since I've written anything, could be because I've been so busy with life in general I haven't had time for a thought or moment to even sit and think.  I spent the last week working in our Elementary School Christmas Store that our PTO puts on every year.  We buy a wide variety of items at a low price and sell them to the kids in our school to take home to their families for Christmas gifts.  Prices range from $.50-$4.00 although there were a couple higher priced items such as Christmas UK wreaths for $25 I believe.  Anyway, the kids at our school bring in their money and make their purchases, then we wrap them for them for free.  I must say it is an exhausting week, but what better way to get into the spirit of Christmas with Goodwill to everyone and joy to the world than seeing the faces of these kids as they carefully select the perfect gift for their families?  Our PTO didn't make any money off of this event (actually, we lost money) but this isn't a fundraiser. It's an opportunity for kids to give to their friends and family.  I see it as a teaching event.  Kids get to learn the joy of giving instead of constantly receiving.  Most of these kids do buy a little something for themselves, but they spend most of their money on others.  Over the course of the week, I lost my voice, have developed a funky lovely cough, and my car battery died, but I'd honestly give this time to these kids all over again.  I must follow this with the fact that I AM thankful this week is over though. It truly is a lot of work.

Tonight I get to go to my sister's church and enjoy a Christmas Dinner Theater.  My Brother In Law is very talented and writes a play every year for their church to perform during the Christmas Season.  In years past, I haven't been able to attend because it's generally set to take place the same night as our church's Christmas program and I'm usually a part of it.  I totally miss being involved in a Christmas Program, but am very much looking forward to getting to take in this performance tonight.  I get to sit with my family and watch the story unfold before my eyes.  What a way to get into the spirit of the season.

This next week is the final week of school before my kids' Christmas Break.  It's also my husband's last week for 2011.  My house is decorated for Christmas, I just finished up some Christmas cards that I need to mail out, and I'm pretty much finished with my Christmas shopping (as a stay at home mom with limited funds I start shopping in August once the kids go back to school lol).  I'm hoping to finish up some gifts I'm making for a few family members this week and enjoy the Christmas movies I grew up watching every year (A Christmas Carol with George C Scott as Scrooge, A Charlie Brown Christmas, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer) as well as a personal favorite as an adult (Elf) or two.  My kids are begging to make Christmas Cookies, so I'm working on a list of things to do while they are home for the Holiday (baking cookies, making a gingerbread house, although I'm considering making a nativity instead of a house this year, going Christmas Caroling with our small group to our widows and shut ins in our church, wrapping gifts, to name a few).

I truly love this time of year and am thankful I am able to relax a little and enjoy it with my family.  In the blink of an eye, my kids will be grown and moving out on their own.  I truly want to enjoy these times in my kids lives and give them an amazing childhood that they will want to pass on to their children as I have.

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