Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Summer is over...

The summer has gone and now fall is just around the corner.  School is back in session, but this year it's different.  This year, all 3 of my girls are in school.  I'm home with no little ones on my heels, no one to feed lunch to, no one to pick up immediately after, no one to snuggle on the couch with in the morning when the older kids are in school.  It's a completely different world.  A world I'm adjusting to.  A world that is different in a sense that I never imagined.  I thought I'd love having the "whole day" to myself.  You see, I've been a stay at home mom for 11 years now.  I've not known having day after day just taking care of myself.  I think I like this, but there are parts I miss.  I mean, I am able to go and run daily to get my exercise done before everyone is home in the evening, I'm able to fix myself something to eat and have an actual lunch break, I'm able to get work done in a more timely manner, but I kind of find myself missing that little voice following me around asking questions.  I miss the sound of Sesame Street playing on the t.v. while I pay bills in the mornings.  I miss the imagination of my kids playing together.  Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy the quiet mornings when I can do my bible study uninterrupted, I love the cool, crisp mornings going for a run without having to push a stroller or take entertainment for a 4 year old, I love going to the grocery store by myself and being able to shop in under an hour because I can concentrate on what I'm buying.  My kitchen sink actually stays empty for a few hours a day too now, but it's all an adjustment.  Then, about the time I get used to and really get to enjoy the peace and quiet, it's time to start the afternoon duties of picking the kids up from school, getting homework done, getting my child to practice her piano, and make dinner.  The evenings fly by in a whirlwind.

I've also started a new era in  my own life.  I've taken on a job outside our home.  I'm working as a music teacher at a local Christian school in town.  It's one day a week for 4 hours.  I've only taught one day so far, but I really love it.  The kids have fun, they are actually learning a little something about music, but they are having fun singing, dancing, playing instruments as we go.  I get to do the same type of thing on Wednesday nights and a couple of Sunday mornings a month at our church too.  We do a fun song or two and end it usually with a slower more meaningful worship song.  The looks on many of the children's faces are priceless as you see them really listen to the words of the songs they are singing.  Some close their eyes and sway to the music, I've even seen a hand or two raise in the air as they sing.  It brings tears to my eyes as I watch.  God is truly so good!

Below is a photobook I created of our summer vacation.  So thankful for the memories we were able to create together...

Until next time...

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